Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

    Corporate Head Office
    Online Systems and Communications
    Karkar Building, Behind Silver Tower
    25/26, Prince Abdul Mohzin Street PO Box: 79623, Al Khobar 31952
    Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
    Mob: +966 50 999 0470
    Fax: +966 13 895 4878
    Email: [email protected]

    Branch office Jeddah

    Online Systems and Communications
    Baroom business center, 1st floor Office no Jeddah-22234
    Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
    Mob: +966 50 273 4140
    Tel: +966 12 651 8614
    Fax: +966 6579931
    Email: [email protected]

    Kingdom of Bahrain

    Online Systems and Communications
    Suite # 1108, Gulf Business Centre,
    Road 1708, 11th Floor, Al Salam Tower,Building 722, Diplomatic Area,Manama, 317,
    kingdom of Bahrain
    Mob:- +973 3910 4758
    Email: [email protected]